february prayer update
On My Heart
Have you noticed that when you become aware of something you begin to see that thing everywhere? One thing I now see frequently in myself and in others is a tendency to try to immediately talk someone out of a negative statement or feeling. For example, someone might say “I hope that our visitors don't arrive too late.” The typical response might be “it will be fine” or “be grateful that you get to see them at all.” I have learned from my grief work, that those kind of statements of dismissal do not help nor do they encourage the other person even though that may be our intent. How much better it would be if we explored the fear they are expressing and conveyed a message that we've truly heard them. Proverbs 18:13 states “he who answers before listening-that is his folly and his shame” and James wrote “everyone should be quick to listen, [and] slow to speak..." (James 1:19). I know that I appreciate it when I feel heard rather than dismissed. I want to get better at listening well to people when they are in distress, whether it is a major issue in their life or a minor one. How about you?
I'm grateful to be back to a busy speaking schedule again after a couple of slower months. I'm looking forward to doing something new in grief and loss: being a guest speaker at eight high school health classes at South Albany High School and at Albany Options School this month. At South Albany, I will do six presentations in two days. Please pray for stamina and fruitfulness as I try my hand with high school students.
As I prepare for another prayer summit at Cannon Beach next week, please pray that God again does a work in me and in those attending as he did last year. Here is what I wrote one year ago: “As I write this from the annual Church of the Valley prayer summit (pastors and ministry leaders from a variety of traditions mostly from Linn and Benton counties), I am overwhelmed by the activity of God over the last few days. During this summit, God has used brothers to share words of wisdom with me that have given me perspective on a…struggle that I have faced. He also brought about reconciliation with a brother that I had felt hurt by.”
Pastor Ed covets your prayers. You can use the acronym OAR to pray for his speaking ministry.
O—Open doors of ministry
R—Responsive audiences
Pray also for wisdom as he mentors Adult and Teen Challenge students, open doors and open hearts for sharing the gospel on the street and fruitful ministry as he connects with pastors and ministry leaders in Lebanon and throughout the region.